How Love Matching By Name works


Love matching is usually done by comparing the astrological sign of one person to another. It can also be done by analyzing the qualities of the two people.


If both of them have several qualities, then, it can be concluded that they are a perfect match. Aside from the zodiac signs and personality test, another way to know if you and your partner match with each other is through the love matching by name test. We may have not realized it but our names say something about our personality. They are not just names given to us by our parents. They are names that symbolize what kind of person are we, and what kind of partner are we.


So, how does love matching by name works? This type of love matching uses the numerology concept. The numerology is another trick used by the psychics. In numerology, each letter of the alphabet has a corresponding value. They often take the sum of the numbers to determine whether couples are compatible or matched with each other or not.

Thus, if you want to test how you are matched with a certain person, all you have to do is to find a love matching website that calculates compatibility using names. These sites usually come with a love calculator that calculates the percentage of your compatibility with that person. After finding a website, all you need to do is to type your names on the two boxes, and click the “Calculate” button. Wait for a few seconds, and your compatibility percent with that person will be revealed. You do not have to pay something when using the love calculator because these are free. Stay away from websites that taking an advantage on you by asking payments or fees for using their love calculator. Look for love matching by name websites that are totally free.


You can try the love matching by name calculator using the other names of your crushes and you will be able to determine who among them your perfect match is. For example, you have a crush on Ryan, but you also feel something on Jake, and Hunter. To determine who among these three your perfect match is, you can enter all their names one by one together with you name on the love calculator. Of course, the person’s name with the greatest percentage is your perfect match. The higher the score is, the more compatible you are with that person. The lower the score is, the smaller the chance that you are compatible with him or her.


However, you should not take these results seriously, because there are no scientific evidences to prove their validity. You can use them as a guide for your relationship, but the main decision is the one coming out from your heart. Even if the love calculator showed that you are less compatible with that person, but in your heart, he or she is your perfect match, just follow your heart’s decision.



Love matching by name is indeed very fun. You can try other names to see how much they are compatible with each other. You can let your friends try it to so that they have an idea how compatible they are with their partners.



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